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49. Unlocking Your Marketing Archetype: Find Your Unique Voice & Core Strategy Ft Christina Frei

In this insightful episode, Christina Frei, founder of Innate Marketing Genius, delves into the world of authentic marketing. She shares her journey developing the Generosity Practice, a mindset tool reshaping how solopreneurs approach marketing. Christina offers guidance on overcoming marketing overwhelm and taking confident action by understanding the heart and mindset of marketing, enabling individuals to move forward with assurance.

Christina discusses the paradox of entrepreneurship loneliness, distinguishing healthy solitude when one's authentic voice stands out. She provides strategies for navigating this solitude and leveraging it into effective marketing.

Additionally, Christina introduces marketing archetypes, aiding individuals in identifying their unique motivations and strengths. By aligning strategies with their archetype, entrepreneurs can create compelling, authentic content that resonates with their audience.

Throughout the episode, Christina underscores the importance of connecting with a higher purpose and finding joy in giving within marketing efforts. She inspires listeners to embrace their activating voice and rebound from marketing setbacks with resilience and creativity.

Explore the transformative influence of authenticity in marketing and unlock the keys to discovering your genuine voice in the digital realm.

For more information about Christina Frei and her work, visit her website: Innate Marketing Genius

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Podcast Episode Transcript:

Christina Frei

[00:00:00] Christina Fry runs a boutique marketing practice called Innate Marketing Genius, where she helps solopreneurs get great clients through authentic marketing. Her holistic approach, Marketing for Humans, determines their authentic voice and launches a content rich, expertise building strategy for getting the right clients.

This all came out of a lonely chaotic time where she moved to a new city and conducted a field study with 40 willing business owners, which is featured in her recent Ted talk, the paradox of loneliness. She also works with her city's sustainability groups, specifically on waste reduction campaign. In between, she chases her small Terrier around with the stuffed animal snake meditates on a pink couch, [00:01:00] hold plunges like Wim Hof all year long and obsesses over the perfect green tea.

All in the seaside town and north of Boston. Great to have you on Christina. I think this episode will be great for listeners who have a business or want to start a business, or maybe they work in a career where they need to get good at marketing. And people can get really overwhelmed, I think, with all of the options of where and how to market with all the new platforms that are constantly popping up.

, but I think if they have a framework to understand the heart and the mindset of marketing, they can take that confident action and knowing that each of the small steps that they're taking is setting them in the right direction and leading them to success. So I'm really excited to have you on because as a professional marketer, , in 2001, I think it was, you can correct me if I'm wrong.

You created your own mindset practice known as the generosity practice and you've been teaching this to individuals and business [00:02:00] owners, and you even conducted some field study programs, which is awesome.

, and different people in different countries using the practice for 30 days. And then what was really cool was the results that they got from using that practice. And it showed that your clients are able to market more consistently. show up more boldly and sell more effectively. So to kick off the episode, I want to hear about that time back in 2001 when you came up with your own mindset practice and how that initially helped your own marketing work.

Yeah, sure. Thanks, Melissa. Great to be here. So back in the day, cause it was back in the day I was on a spiritual, I don't know, moment and I was learning how to Look at energy. If you know the six chakra, right? Just like how to operate from that place. And so I was at a place called the Berkeley psychic Institute in Berkeley, California, where I was reading energy, learning how to channel certain [00:03:00] vibrations so I could help other people, just a lot of stuff.

And one of the tools was called a mock up rose, which is basically, if you want to create something in your life, you just visualize it in the symbol of a rose, and then you send it off to the edge of the universe and wait for it to come back. Now this. Okay. Like if you've ever studied energy, that makes perfect sense.

It's a very just elegant way to distill a lot of what you hear talked about in things like the secret or whatnot. However, I personally had a really hard time waiting for my stuff to show up. Like I would send out the roses and send out whatever. And it was like, I was like, well, where's my relationship?

Where's my car? Where like getting all up in my own business. And so one day I was in my parents basement. I don't even remember why. And I was visiting them from the West Coast. They're in the East Coast. And I was meditating and I sent out a purple rose. I just imagined a purple rose. Did I want one? [00:04:00] No, but I thought it would be fun to just offer it out.

And when I did that, I was like, that felt amazing. Let me do it again. So I did it again, send out, visualize that purple rose, sent it out. And then I was like, why don't I send out other stuff? And I kept imagining lovely things that would feel delightful to just give out for no reason other than the joy of offering.

Right. And so I kept doing this. And when I got back to Berkeley, My friends who, by the way, were psychic picked up immediately, something's different about you. Like, we're not worried about you anymore. We don't feel like we need to heal you or that you're clinging or there's like codependency.

Like what just happened to you? And so I shared with them what I did and. That was sort of step one is just imagining something, giving it out and not really caring if it comes back. I could go on and on, but I'll just pause [00:05:00] there. Yeah. So if you're curious about anything, like that was step one. That sounds amazing.

There's so much there and I can see where that practice, like you called the generosity practice can really. Put us in such a better mental state and open our heart up. I've been doing in my own relationship to, in my marriage of, I just want to, Put out more love, ?

 You just get stressed out. Like, Oh, why aren't the dishes put away this, that, whatever. But I've tried that a similar kind of idea of, let me just visualize sending love.

Oh, and let me actually share that love. Let me talk about it more. Let me just get in that state more of how I can connect with someone, how I can give out. send that vibe, send that energy. So for you you're thinking of sending out, you mentioned you visualize a rose [00:06:00] and this is sending something to someone.

Is there any other examples of How you can do that practice of like, what else did you start to send out? What kind of intentions do you send out? Yeah, I think I can answer that by sharing why I started sharing it with other people, meaning I had just kept that practice to myself. For like 13 years and then in 2014, I lost my job.

I lost like kind of my purpose. I wasn't really sure where I was headed next. There were a couple other sources of income that I had established and they were like, it was just not a good moment. And and I decided, this thing that I do, and I didn't even call it the generosity practice at the time.

It was just like this thing that I did, this thing that I do. I know it's going to save me now's the time because if I don't. I will sink into anxiety, not being able to sleep like all kinds of and then health issues that come along with that, which had happened before. So I [00:07:00] just said, well, screw this.

I'm going to use my tool, for all of its, it's worth. And I got on an airplane coming back from Thanksgiving, visiting my parents, feeling like a complete burden. And. I just started visualizing anything, like anything that would make me feel better. So it was black, shiny ceramic tiles, like piles of sticks.

Eventually, like I was on the plane. It was two flights and it was a nine hour journey up in the air. And I was like doing this the entire time, like a crazy person, a little bit. And, but what was amazing, I would give all these crazy things because all that mattered. Was that it felt good to offer out and so I, I didn't have to, like, it didn't have to be perfect or beautiful or get anyone else's approval.

All that mattered was just that I was offering something that felt good to me. And what ended up happening was I didn't have anxiety. , obviously there's probably anxiety, but [00:08:00] like I slept really well for the next few weeks. And in about a month I had. I mean, not that I just waved a magic wand, but it felt like that.

I had three incredible work projects that were going to pay my bills that I never would have thought of logically if I just wow, what's next for me? Let me think about this logically. Never would have come up with these opportunities in my own mind. I don't know what to say, it sort of activated a side of myself that felt more like a heightened version of me so that I kind of knew who I needed to talk to without chasing them down and also calmed me down like, hey, have faith hun, like you're gonna be fine.

It sounds like you developed a whole set of practices and intentions and ways that people can actually do this practice in their own life, which is awesome. I know you have a book about it. You did a Ted talk about it. We're talking about marketing. I know there's a lot of people I know for myself, I've gotten very anxious and [00:09:00] overwhelmed when it comes to marketing and feeling like.

I'm trying all these different things, something works for a little bit and then it stops working or it doesn't work at all. You feel like you're wasting your time, your money, your efforts. And we can really overthink or we don't even get started because we're so overwhelmed. So I'm excited to talk about how.

When it comes to marketing, we can move the needle on that. 

 To help us get unstuck what would be a starting place that you would say if you have someone in front of you who's super overwhelmed with marketing?

How can they get started? Yeah. Okay. One thing I'm going to, I'm going to answer your question, but I also want to back up a little bit and say, How this practice differs from a lot of other inner meditation, meditative work might start answering your question. So what I noticed is having been a meditator since like early 2000s, [00:10:00] 1998 even, I noticed that when you sit down, when I sit down and I find my space, right, like I'm just kind of like trying to relax, trying to come back into my body, trying to come into the present moment.

That when I then stand up and deal with my day, like go about my day, it sometimes feels like I get punched in the face by life. So it's like, Oh man, I just want to go back to my meditation couch or pillow or yoga studio and just live there forever because this just hurts. And I mean, that's a metaphoric punch in the face.

We all know what I'm talking about. And so what I noticed when I was doing this practice. It wasn't like that. It was like, I, because if you think about it, if you're sitting there thinking about, Oh, what would feel good to offer out to all of life? And then you visualize yourself doing it. So let's say on one day, it's, a beautiful snowfall.

Because that would just give you [00:11:00] so much peace. And so you're imagining giving that out to the world, however you want, you can get creative. And what I've noticed is once you're done with that and you open up your eyes, you're not feeling like you're punched in the face. Or if you are so on this track of like, I am a contribution.

Like I've already made such a strong intention to help and be of service that I'm not going to waver. When somebody tells me they're not happy about something I've done, I just have much more inner capacity, maybe just faith in myself to stand tall, listen to the feedback, but not get so reactive to it.

So I just want, I call it the everybody wins channel. This is like a 10 minute process to get you on the everybody wins channel. And then. You're not going to want to come running and hiding in a yoga studio or a meditation pillow because you just won't need to. You'll actually be energized by being out there and helping others and that goes [00:12:00] for marketing.

So back to your question specifically, which is where does somebody begin? There is a foundational question that is what feels good to offer to life today. That's it. What feels good to offer to life today? It's a very, that has been the question since 2014 when I really got serious about teaching this thing.

What feels good to offer to life today? There's a lot of like, the feel good part is sneaky because everyone wants to be of service, but it's really different to let it feel good. Right? Even I trip up on that. It's like, I should be offering enlightenment. I should be, a good person and do this.

But what would feel good? Actually, weirdly colored chocolate bunnies. I don't know why. That's just my jam today. And it's a game changer. So I would say, close your eyes, contemplate that question and then just let yourself. [00:13:00] Be open to the answer for about 10 minutes and you'll get there. Yeah. I love that.

So letting your subconscious speak to you, your intuition, let that answer come from within. Awesome. Yeah. . Another thing that I saw was in your TED talk, you spoke about a type of loneliness and a fear around that loneliness that can prevent people from taking action and like the type of action that would actually propel their business.

So can you share a little bit of what that loneliness is, what that looks like and how we can take steps to work through it? Absolutely. So when I talk about that kind of loneliness, it's almost a healthy loneliness, meaning, there's the kind of toxic loneliness where you're spending way too much time by yourself and you're not interacting with people and there's no oxytocin flowing, like you need to be around, you need like seven hugs a day and all that good stuff.

Right. What I'm talking about is [00:14:00] if you see things a certain way, or you have a certain inner truth that you want to be real about, and it puts you apart from a cozy tribe or a cozy situation. And so now it's confronting, like, dare I speak those words, and it's the quintessential loneliness of any entrepreneur.

Because if you're going to go off and do something on your own, you are going to set yourself apart, right? So it's really healthy to nourish yourself in a way that you can actually follow that, right? So that's the kind of loneliness I mean, am I answering your question or is there another piece of it?

Like how to deal with that loneliness then? Yeah. How do you work through that? Because it sounds like it's something that we're all going to face from time to time because If you're an entrepreneur, especially if you're on your own solo, a lot of the work you're doing, your family, your friends, aren't going to get it.

You're kind of on your [00:15:00] own unless you can find a community. And then otherwise lonely, like you said, in the sense where you have a message not everyone's going to get it. It's the fear of the tribe

pushing back on you. How do people deal with that? Yeah. So when I started sharing the generosity practice with people, I counted up the different results. I had these 40 people in five countries use this thing for 30 days and I got their input on what their results were.

And so I had 21 different impacts, inner and outer, that they. Experienced on some level by simply doing this 10 minute daily practice, and one of them was that they just felt connected to something bigger than themselves, which makes perfect sense because it's kind of what you're doing because not only do you offer out your gift to all of life.

But you also, part of the practice is to find a place [00:16:00] inside you, like a visualized place where you feel connected to everything, right? Like my version of that is on top of a mountain, under a blue sky. Everyone has their own way to do it. And I, so that's the inner side of it where you're doing a practice that connects you to all things and all people.

And I will say, because, you I'm not going to pretend that you don't need your own community at some point. You don't need people, of course you do, but there's going to be times where there's kind of a gap between your tribe that maybe you're needing to step away from and the next one that you're going to either develop or discover.

Right. So in that betwixt between time, which by the way, I think describes a lot of what happened during lockdown. There are times when we are just forced to be alone and it sucks. And like, what do we do then? So I'm not saying this solves all my problems, but I will say. My practice is just one way of feeling connected to [00:17:00] something bigger than yourself.

Just do something that connects you to something bigger than yourself in a visceral way, not just, I'm going to give 25 to save the children. You know what I'm saying? Like writing a check, that's one thing, but viscerally that you're feeling connected to something big because it changes you. That's been my study.

And. Yeah that's what I've noticed. And the thing with marketing is the reason I have my clients do this practice for 30 days before we get started is that they get so excited to give and offer and it feels so good to offer and like, what do you think marketing is? It's basically getting out there and offering something and hopefully loving that so that the end result is that they love marketing as much as they love the work that they do.

That's. If you ask me what my profession is, that's really my profession that I help my clients love their marketing and feel like they're making as much of a difference in their marketing as they do in their daily work with [00:18:00] clients. Yeah. So that's the end result of taking this on. It sounds like, well, that's nice.

Close your eyes for 10 minutes and give out a thing. Yeah, it is so wow. Like it just gets you over yourself on every level. I'm in that boat sometimes where I'm like, I just want to create the marketing piece, so to be able to reframe it that way, I would love to, to get there.

I'm getting closer, but that's amazing. That's such a great service. I would totally want to do that and I think a lot of people struggle with the marketing piece and it's either. The action and consistency, or it's even just getting started because of that fear of how can I be real? How can I actually share my message?

Because not everyone's going to get it. Not everyone's going to like me, but like you said, if we have that resolve, or if we can keep to that bigger picture, those things won't phase [00:19:00] us and the haters or the comments or the people who don't get it, we're not going to be focused there. We're just going to have our eyes on and be focused on.

How we're making a difference and the people that we want to help. Absolutely. So it sounds like, that loneliness can kind of be like a block or something that might prevent people from getting started with marketing or starting and stopping. Is there any other common fears or blocks around marketing?

Yeah, and it actually speaks to the other side of my business, which is not only do I help people kind of get their head on straight for marketing, but I also help them find their voice and a good strategy for them to get out into the world. One of the things that they're wondering about is like, how do I stand out?

How do I stand out and really occupy the sort of space, of my voice. Like what is it and how do I use it? So one of the things that I discovered in 2016 [00:20:00] is what I now call marketing archetypes. And so this is just an indicator of how you absolutely love being in service to others. And it's general so that you could.

It doesn't matter what your profession is, right? It just, I'll just give you an example. So the five archetypes are nurturers, adventure guides, door openers, steady presences, and celebrators. Each one of them has its own unique why in service to others. And I'm happy to share what those are, but they're different.

And sometimes people are too. So they're hybrids. You could be an adventure guide and a celebrator, et cetera, et cetera. And what this does is once you understand that deeper motivation to help other humans, then my job is to give you the right questions to ask so that you can generate content and come from a place like, Oh, this is how I want to show up.

Right. So I'll give you an example. So for an adventure guide, You, your deep why is that you see what's possible for other people way before they [00:21:00] do, and then you embolden them to go for it by going for it yourself. You're like the one who models everything. So the way that you generate content is all about like, talk to us about the goals that most of your people need to reach for that you see are possible for them, and then show us how you're doing something similar.

On a parallel track doesn't have to be exactly the same, but like, how are you being bold? Because we're all going to model your boldness. That's what we need to hear from you. So I just, I sense that this is what I've been studying since I generated this like 2016. So eight years now I've been watching how, all right, I know your deep why.

So now how do you show up that way? In your messaging strategy decisions, et cetera, et cetera. Yeah. Awesome. I love that. And I'm all about archetypes and knowing yourself better because we can easily get conditioned by our family or friends or a mentor we might try to emulate what that other person is doing.

And we [00:22:00] feel like we're in the wrong Profession or where it's not a message that's aligned, it's not working. So tools like this can be so helpful. 

 The way that you have the descriptions for those categories and the examples are really helpful. I'd love to, for you to share a few more examples with the other categories and like the motivation behind it 

yeah. And there's definitely, there's a free assessment on the website. You just go to innate marketing genius. com forward slash archetype. I'll send you the link. But okay, so nurtures are when you love to make it safe for others to thrive, right? You're just like, you lean forward energetically and you just want to surround people in such a way that they just go for it.

And A way to show up like I'll give you an example one client that I work with who's a life coach she was really scared of giving talks like she did not want to give talks and when we unleashed her nurturer [00:23:00] side and just really got clear about that we together created a talk where she could be like A wizard of everyone's highest good in, like, I, okay, I'm saying a lot of things in a very small space of time, so let me just break that down.

She was able to take that nurturer side, allowing others to thrive, into her talk, such that When she started getting out there, which I watched her, like I went out and saw a couple of her talks, I noticed that everyone who came in was showing up in these beautiful ways, right? Like she, she offered information.

It was all about the inner critic. And then everyone, you could just, there was just a vibe in the room. And I could tell that her nurture superpowers were on full display because everyone felt safe. Yeah. And they were thriving. And guess what? Everyone signed up for email list and half of them signed up to have an introductory talk with her.

So what's up? [00:24:00] Like, it's like we all, that's just what I've been mesmerized by over the years as a marketer is like, everybody has a thing that like once they put their finger on it, it's like, okay, you're unleashed. Go. Yeah, that makes so much sense. I can think of a therapist I worked with when I was working as an eating disorder dietitian who would 100 percent be a nurture type and that whole vibe and everyone's just comforted by her and feel safe that They're going to be validated.

They're going to be heard. They can share openly. And it's cool to, to see that. And then the other types that we see as well, you said the adventure, right? I can just go through them real quick. Yeah. Door openers. We could have this discussion for like 10 hours. Yeah. So door are people who they absolutely love Opening up a new way of looking at something, right?

It's like they're opening up a whole new world. So it's not a door opener as far as like a networker. It's more just, oh my gosh, [00:25:00] they struggle with having too many ideas. It's more just, let's ground. They tend to be natural educators. So door openers need to show innovation in the way that they communicate, but they also need to show simplicity.

So people are not overwhelmed by their innovation. Hello. The next type is a steady presence. Steady presence is somebody who really wants you to know I've got you no matter how bad it gets, right? It's like they're the calm in the storm, the pillar, and they lean back energetically instead of leaning forward.

And Their whole thing, by the way, in marketing, because we can nerd out about that too, is just pick something that you want to go deep on and then nerd out about that in public. My whole big strategy for Shoddy Prize is just like, geek out in public. If you do that, We don't need to understand a word you say, we just need to know you understand what the heck you're talking about so we reach out to you when we need you.[00:26:00] 

So that's steady presence. And then the last one is a celebrator. A celebrator is somebody who really wants to bring the good life and they tend to have all kinds of flair. Funny, hilarious, fun. design sense, whatever it is. And so a healthy celebrator wants to bring the good life. Celebrators are who everybody else wants to be, but they also struggle with sounding a little shallow when they get out there because it's just a lot easier for them to enjoy life and work than it is for everyone else.

And that's what we want from them. So it's like literally just go out and enjoy what you do and then share And appreciate other leaders that are kind of parallel to you. Yeah, so that's, those are the five you can think of. obvious stereotypes when you hear them, right?

Like I brought up the therapist, or you could think of like an influencer or entertainer or something. But what I like about it is it's not the stereotype and it's [00:27:00] really helpful for you if you're struggling with, your, maybe you're in a career, you offer a service. That has a really popular stereotype, right?

Like you're a real estate agent or a therapist or this or that, but maybe your gift or your strength looks a little different. So maybe where the other people around you show up as an adventurer, you show up as that. It was called the study. What was the study? One study, the study presence. So it's really cool to understand, I think, your own archetype because I think mine came out as door opener first, and then the celebrator.

Ooh, that's high energy. We can talk about that. And like this, the celebrator thing too, I had to catch myself because at first I was thinking of like, Oh, is that like the, like the big personality YouTubers and they're so funny and charismatic. I'm like, that doesn't feel like me really. But [00:28:00] then I was thinking, oh, it's more like the design side.

Like, well, yeah, I'm an artist. Well, yeah, I like to make things pretty. They can't just go out. It can't be boring. It can't be dull, so it's fun to kind of play with it and look at that. And for myself, I could hold myself back if, in thinking. I need to show up more like the study person. I need to show up more like, some other archetype that I'm not and try to force that in my marketing.

What are some specific like actions or how can that play out for someone when they think about, okay, I'm taking my archetype, the result I got from the quiz and now what can I do with that?

Yeah. So once you take the assessment, you're going to get a couple emails from me just sharing what the heck they are and what they mean. And one next step that you can take is grab the intro workbook. That's an offering and that has. a deeper dive into your types or type depending and strategic [00:29:00] questions if you're creating content.

So it'll help you show up as a celebrator from day one. If you're writing an email, if you're putting a talk together, if you're going to a networking event, like whatever it is, You can I have people tell me all the time like they just keep their workbook on the desktop so that if there's something they need to do, they just open it up and say, Oh, yeah, because it's not just like, Oh, here's your strengths and weaknesses, blah, blah, blah, but it's also a couple of examples what to watch out for, some strategies, although I'm always very cautious to say, Oh, celebrators should do this kind of strategy doesn't quite work that way.

Shh. So that's one piece of it is just deep dive into your archetype and then like with the workbook that's a, and then create content from that place. The other thing to say about that is I actually work with clients to identify one core strategy. I call it the core strategy because it's the thing where if you're an expert or consultative in [00:30:00] any way of what you do, how can you.

occupy that expertise and really show your authority in a way that you generate enough content. It's awesome. And also you can use it in a million other ways. So call it pillar content, call it like the inner spoken, not the spokes, but the inner inside of the wheel, the center of the wheel.

So let's say for example, It's doing a podcast like you, right? That might be your core strategy, but then you can post snippets of it on Instagram. You can take quotes from it. Other people that you invite on your show, promote it. You can talk about it in any networking event. You see where I'm going? Like, it just becomes like, Oh my God, look at all the content you're creating.

It's amazing. Even and then using it in a million different ways. So I would also say step two to that process, not just the workbook is really take some time. I mean, I'm here to serve, obviously that's my job. So come see me if this speaks to you, but also just think, take some time to think about like, well, what is the [00:31:00] one core strategy that really shows you at your best and serve your business the best.

Yeah. That sounds like an amazing resource that you really thought out, the questions that people are going to have and it's beyond just strengths and weaknesses, really helping them tap into and think about, , what are the things I can do? And how does it apply with that lens, kind of that perspective within my archetype, experiment with it.

I'm really into human design and people call it an experiment, right. Of like, yeah, you just have to, you have to test it out. Right. Don't keep it a theory, but time and time again, for me, my friends and, for a lot of people, when. They really lean in to what their chart is saying and really understanding their energy, which is different from other people's energy.

And they experiment with that. They can see really good results. They feel really aligned. They're living authentically and it [00:32:00] sounds like the same when I hear about these archetypes, because even just briefly, I'm new to it. I'm hearing about your archetypes, but I really resonate with the two that I got and I can make these connections and see, oh, the times where I've tried to be a different archetype and it's felt so forced

 Melissa, if I can just jump in for a moment, because you're. I just want to share with you, I call you a hybrid, right? And I'm just last year, I spent a lot of time understanding hybrids better. And I just want to offer you really quick, a couple of insights into door opener, celebrators. Is that cool?

Yes. I would love that. Okay. And by the way, I'm having a workshop on April 18th. I don't know when this post is probably going to be after, but I'll have a recording where I'm actually going to do just hybrid content where it's like, Oh, this is what that means anyway. So you can show up in three different ways as a celebrator door opener.

One is where you're all about innovation and you [00:33:00] want to really, move the needle and open people's minds and blow their hair back. But you're doing it so that people can live the good life. It's like, I'm going to use the coolest, coaching methods or healing methods or whatever, so that everyone's living a really good life.

That's one iteration. Another one is where the celebrator is first, right? You're living the good life. You're helping people just enjoy their life so that they can, open their minds. They're like in a good enough space that they're ready to innovate, right? Do you see how like one is the beginning motivation and then there's the end game?

Yeah. And then there's people who are just parallel. Sometimes you're a door opener, sometimes you're a celebrator, right? Sometimes it's all about the good luck, sometimes it's all about innovation and like new perspectives and they don't quite influence each other. Yeah. So when I say that to you, because honestly I'm still field studying this, [00:34:00] does that resonate and does one stand out to you or are you all three?

I think I would be like all three. I think I would switch around because I'm very inconsistent. I like novelty, I just, I'm led by my intuition, I'll do something and then all of a sudden I'm over there, but I can definitely see like where I'm at right now is the first one you were talking about where it's more about lots of ideas and perspective the whole point to have high vibe mindset. Is helping people to live a next level of life or get to that next version of themselves to keep growing, basically, like, don't stop evolving.

Let's keep evolving. So I think of it that way. And that's my version of. The good life, right? So I can see that, but I've also have.

The parallel where outside of the podcast, I'm working on my art and for me, that's just the good life. That's just beauty. That's just [00:35:00] like the whole point is to express yourself, to take life easy, not take it seriously, to enjoy beauty and everything. So I can kind of see where sometimes it's one thing or it's kind of a blend of both.

Yeah, that helps me a lot. I just, I'm trying to, I'm wrapping my own arms around the hybrids. Yeah. I mean, it's a great question. And I was thinking about that too, when I was reading it, cause I was like, well, how does each one show up for me? What does that look like? And how has that looked like throughout my life?

And it's always there. Even when I'm in something that wouldn't seem like that at all, it's. You've, you figure out how to bring, try to bring that into whatever work you're doing. But yeah, to me it can be like both are strongly really present and related with my messaging and my marketing, my products, or it could be one is a little stronger.

[00:36:00] And like more of the focus that comes through. Yeah. Awesome. And I definitely struggle with keeping things simple and not complex and having too many ideas pop in at the same time. Like, let's talk about this and that and wanting to talk about anything and everything. Yeah, I work with door openers.

The first thing that I'm always curious about is like, What are you doing to slow down your mind and come back into the present moment? Yeah. You have to, I mean, you just can't pass go until you figure that out. Yeah. It's really hard to niche down to, which is like the podcast for me is a way that.

I can kind of get around that, but it's you always, if you have a product or something, you still need to figure out like, what's the main message? What's your main motivation? What problem are you solving? And I think that can be challenging for door openers because they want to solve a lot of different problems here's a little bit [00:37:00] of a fun. application for the generosity practice if you are a door opener. And that is, if you're in a mode where you have a million ideas and it's like, where am I? I don't even know where to start. It's about closing your eyes, imagining one person that you would absolutely love to serve.

Right? Just somebody who's struggling with something or having a hard time in any way. And you're just sitting there vibing with them, picking up on what would truly be satisfying to give them, to help them. It's like not just helping them because that's just problem solving. It's more like allowing yourself to be the uplifter you love being and then in consideration of what they need.

And again, everybody wins. And so the stuff that comes out of you, it might be like a metaphor. It might be, a lotus flower. It might be, pearls, or I don't know what's going to come. And then you just sit with that. Like, why did I just have a bunch of pearls show up in my hand when I was imagining that [00:38:00] person?

And then you start Like it just brings you into something deeper instead of just thoughts. Yeah. And then I personally have a lot of faith in the answers that come through when you're that focused and intentional about serving someone else. Are you with me? Yes. That's a great practice. Like almost getting in that meditative state, slowing down and quieting the thoughts a little bit and letting your subconscious come forth. So that, and also like door openers and most of us, but door openers in particular, you just want to help. Like you just want to find people's problems and like come up with awesome solutions.

So this, Takes that motivation. Yeah. And just slows it down and so you can give the love in a way that will truly help another human being very present. And yeah, I love that. I would love [00:39:00] to hear a little bit more about your own personal day to day when it comes to your own archetype and how that's helped you in your own personal work. Sure. So I'm a nurturer with a side of door opener. So I'm right there with you.

I'm with the door opener stuff. And the specifically, I am somebody who loves nurturing great ideas in others. So the way that plays out is whenever, I mean, this isn't my personal life. I can share about that too, but like in my business life, When I give a talk, my talk is called marketing for humans, bringing the human back into marketing.

And it's basically everyone takes the assessment and they would just talk about it, which is like, all right, you're a nurture and adventure guy. What does that mean right now? So it's case studies. It's how can you apply this, that just, so what I'm doing when I give that talk is I am making it, this is very intentional.

Like I know a lot of times when people give talks, [00:40:00] They're like, Oh, I'm so exhausted. I need to go take a nap or have a latte or whatever. When I give that talk and I have many different iterations of it. When I give that talk, I always feel like I'm on top of the world. And the reason for that is I am nurturing great ideas in others.

People in that room, they realize they're an adventure guide and suddenly They're like, okay, I know exactly what I want to say. I mean, depending on where you are in your business, that doesn't always happen. But if someone is right for like, Oh, wow, I can't wait to communicate this way and help others. It is, it's so fulfilling to share.

And I just love, again, part of my work with clients is like, How are you meant to be showing up right now as a human? And I am like a speaker, the happiest speaker on stage. I just love it so much. And so there I am, like beaming out awareness to people that then open up all these ideas. It's like, who wouldn't get high off that?

Yeah, I'm so [00:41:00] high off that even in a room where people are like, Oh, like, they have no idea what I'm talking about. I don't care. Yeah. I'm just like, someday you're going to be walking into a CVS and some light bulb is going to go off. Like, wait a second. Steady presence. Yes. Yeah, that makes so much sense.

Yeah. But that's like, Oh, I just want this love and fun for all of my clients with, of course, the ability to convert. Like, I don't always talk about the practical side of marketing. You know why? Because everyone is talking about the practical side of marketing, right? Like it's convert, let's grow your email list.

Let's like, I track all that stuff, but what's much harder. Is to stay with your voice. Yes. It's like easy to be all things to all people and try to check all the boxes and all that crap. Like, yes, we get to that. It's much harder to be like, Who am I? What do I really want to say? What is the impact I really want to have?

And then funnel [00:42:00] that stuff into your marketing message. Like, show me that. Exactly. No, I so agree. And like you said, that stuff exists everywhere. I remember a couple of years ago being in a group coaching program and it had results. Like I was growing my Instagram. I was getting some clients. But it felt awful.

It was like doing the type of marketing that I just didn't want to do. And everyone's doing the same content. It's like, okay, guys, we're all in this program together. We're all doing the same thing. We're all getting the results, but I'm like, Oh, I hate this. I hate this process so much. And it took so long for me to like, try to figure out, like, okay, you, you kind of understand maybe if you like to give a Ted talk versus be on Instagram versus be on YouTube or do email or whatever those things, I think we can figure out for ourselves with trial and error, but then how do we.

Actually get to the messaging part, [00:43:00] right? Or like, you said, , what are we actually trying to help? We show up, we do the Ted talk, but what's the motivation behind it and how is that aligned? I think everyone should start there. Don't waste your time and money with the, the generic marketing strategies, but really go towards.

Step one, figuring out your archetype, figuring out your message, figuring out what's going to work best for you. So yes, a hundred percent agree. Is there anything else that you think is super important to share for listeners?

Well, overall, I would say Everyone that I've ever worked with, and even people who I have not, has this incredible activating quality to their voice. And it's unique. And so just to get curious about that. The other thing I would say, and I mean, obviously the marketing archetypes [00:44:00] is a great way to start that, but you can do it just on your own.

And then the other thing I would say is, If you feel beaten down by a marketing failure, which we all do, it's time to take a walk, shake it off, and then imagine something you would absolutely love to give out to life. Watch what happens. Yeah, I love that. Thank you so much for being inspiring.

My last question for you is. What are some routines, practices resources, that you personally love that help you stay high vibe, especially on, like you said, those times where we have failures or, what, I didn't go according to plan 

okay. That could be another hour long discussion, but I will try to narrow it down. So number one, something I learned during COVID is 13th chakra meditation. I mean, you said esoteric is okay. So I'm just going to go there. [00:45:00] Yeah. And this is with divine spark, which if this is like, you're listening to this, you're like, please tell me more.

That sounds so good. super cool because it's like, to me, it feels like a superpower to travel to the 13th chakra is just go to chill sacramento. org and you will find some information about that. So that's number one. It's just like traveling up these chakras and there's interesting information in every single one of them.

Like I started six and I go up And by the time I'm up at 13, I'm like, all my needs have been met. I know who I am in the world. I know what my mission is. Like it's just on for fricking leaveable. Yeah. Anyway, so that's one. Another one is. I have a dog. I'm just gonna say he's part of my routine because he gets me out the door, right?

Like he just, he's such a happy presence and he has his own Instagram feed. That's neither here nor there. Anyway, he's just like a good guy. And then [00:46:00] I've been doing cold dipping since 2021. So like three years where I go in the ocean all year long. I've sort of pulled back from it recently, but I'm still doing it now and then where it's like, yeah, we just, it's 36 degrees in the water, I think right now.

And we just all go in like a big, crazy bunch, stay in for two minutes and then have the best day. So I would say those in particular, I'm also a big reader, but that's not really a high five routine. I just like reading. Yeah, that's your personal high vibe routine. It's awesome. Yeah. So you got some nice companionship with your dog, some physical activities, meditation.

So sounds like. Self care practices for our physical or spiritual mental needs. So I love that. That gives some good ideas too, because I haven't thought about the cold dipping. I haven't. Yeah. And you said you've been doing that for years. Yeah. For three years. How do you feel after [00:47:00] that?

Like you just had six cups of coffee. Wow. I'm like, pssst. So energized, but not in a gross way or an anxious way. Okay. Well, that, yeah, that sounds compelling because to me, I imagine I don't like the cold, so I'm like, Oh, I would just feel tortured after that. But obviously there has to be a reason. There's something good.

 There's a lot of like, that's another entire podcast is nerding out about all the health benefits because yeah, they're studied now and there's a lot of them. Yeah. Who doesn't want to feel awake and energized? Sign me up. Let's send off our listeners to all the amazing websites and resources that you have going on, 

yeah, so the first thing to do is to figure out your marketing archetype. So that's innate marketing genius. Innate is INN, it's not always a common word, so innate, I-N-N-A-T-E, marketing So in about seven minutes, you'll find out what you [00:48:00] are, and then you'll have the opportunity to grab the intro workbook or workbooks, depending if you're a hybrid, and that will help you start generating content immediately.

And then if you're saying. Tell me more. I want more. I offer a power hour where we can sit down and really work out your marketing plans and how to get your, like what you and I are doing right now. So like, what does it mean to be, adventure guide and celebrate? How can you start or your opener and celebrate?

How can you start using that immediately? What would your messaging be? Like we can start nailing that down even in a one hour session. And then, I have like a four month, my big thing that I do where I really work with clients is a four month program called marketing for humans. And that's mostly what I've been referring to in our conversation.

It's like, yeah, you're a door opener celebrator, but what's your unique version of that? I have a very deep journey. I take people on and then what's your one strategy. And then we launched that thing. Yeah, just like that thing just gets on the road. That sounds [00:49:00] like an awesome program and that to be part of, whether it's a group or one on one with you

so I'm glad that listeners have that opportunity if they really want to uplevel their marketing that they can work with you, because I would endorse that I, just hearing the the way that you approach marketing. I think that'd be awesome. Thank you so much for sharing with the listeners and getting us excited again about marketing and hopeful.

So it's been great. Thanks for again, for joining on the podcast. Thanks so much. It's great to be here.

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